The Party Hütte

This site is here to provide a place for us to share pictures, stories and whatever else we can think of with our family and friends! We are currently co-habitating in Waldenbuch Germany, home of the world famous Ritter Sport chocolates. Some of us work, some of us study and all of us try to enjoy the last years that we have together. Click on the pics to see them larger.

Montag, Januar 23, 2006

Pittsburgh plays in the super-bowl and Elaina cleans Deans car...

Now that Pittsburgh won (i have to admit, that they played pretty good), i understand what Mary Ann ment in saying not to bet on sport events!!! We can't haul wood here, but believe me.... we have enough cars to wash :-)..........i guess even i learned not to bet on sport events anymore, especially not football:-) !!


Anonymous Anonym said...

i am still waiting for the complete clean-up...:)

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

You'll get it on the weekenend of the 24th Feb. !

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

the 24th has come and gone...i suppose the interest earned on a late delivery of service would be to clean the outside and the inside?...:)

12:07 PM  

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